Blaike Gillshaw
11th June, 2024
Do you want to spend more time outdoors, away from a screen but find walking boring really boring? Here are some of my favourite ways to get some fresh air and increase my step count whilst keeping my brain engaged and feeling like i'm not just 'wasting time'.

Let's start of simple. Pick an object, like a red Subaru, and walk around until you find said object. You can have one object or a bunch and you can play solo or multiplayer. If you want to switch it up, you can choose a colour instead of an object and then follow that colour along your walk treating them like checkpoints in a video game. Set a goal and reach the tenth checkpoint before heading back home.
Version one: Download a music album that you haven't heard of before and listen to it from start to finish. When the album finishes, turn around and walk home.
Version two: make a new album in your phone gallery and take photos of all the things that you think are interesting whilst walking. It's similar to the ispy one but without
If you struggle with walks feeling directionless or like a waste of time when you have a bunch or chores or work or dreams to chase then try this. Start a project that will help you in one of those areas and make it tie in with the act of walking. For me, this was making monthly zines and 'releasing' them in phone booths. Not only did this make me sit down and write every month but it also meant i had to locate phone boxes and distribute the zines and meet a deadline. There's also a reward element to this one. Firstly, the achievement of completing the project but then also the exposure of your work leading to growth on social media platoforms or clients reaching out for work.
This is another super easy one. Set a timer. Bonus points if there's something actionable happening when the timer goes off. I like to start the washing machine then walk and be back in time to hang the laundry out. This can be more exciting though like making yourself go on a walk fifteen minutes before your favourite show is scheduled to start or if you really want the time pressure to be on, order a takeaway and be back in time for the delivery.
The Magpie Method is one of my favourite walks to go on. It basically just means that you keep your eye out for interesting things! Metaphorically 'Shiny' ones, but also sometimes actually shiny ones. One time i was walking and i found a mirror, another time i found a cool plank of wood and turned it into a jewlery stand and the last big Magpie walk i went on, i found some legs for a chair that i DIY'd into a bedside table. The nicest thing about the Magpie Method is that you don't always realise that you're on one which makes them even more joyful when you find something cool!
For more ideas like these, read This Isn't Everything 1 and This Isn't Everything 2 by Blaike Gillshaw!
Love the drawing ✍️ great set of ideas that aren’t just ‘walk’