Beth Evans and Emily Glover
We've reached out to our community to bring to you some of the coolest folks around. This time it's.... Emily Glover.

Untitled, Emily Glover
BE: Tell us a bit about yourself:
EG: [I'm] a traditional artist who commonly depicts kpop idols in portraiture. Primarily us[ing] coloured pencils, wax crayons and graphite. Inspired by my Nonbinary Agender identity, I play with imagery of androgyny mixed with fantastical elements. Often inverting societal gender norms.

Untitled, Emily Glover
BE: What would you say is your biggest anti burnout tip to avoid struggling with your practice?
RA: Try new things. If you always paint or draw maybe try to crochet or sew!

Untitled, Emily Glover
To see more from Emily, check out @skzxstationary